“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

A great quote from C.S.Lewis and a great way to begin the new decade. And, thinking about it, time to re-set old goals which have been somewhat neglected over Christmas. My new hip is nearly one month old and it has made such a difference to my quality of life. Thinking about it, I would add to the above quote “. . . but you might be in too much pain.”
In July I went to Hampton Court Flower Show with my friend Sue and we walked our socks off exploring the display gardens and the marquees. At the end of September I was house-bound and almost immobilised by pain in my right thigh and a stiff/ painful left shoulder. X-rays revealed that I have osteoarthritis in the shoulder and hip joints. With hindsight I realise that I have been ignoring minor painful episodes and keeping myself going for several years now by dint of daily Tai Chi practise; weekly Pilates and visits to my chiropractor.
Four weeks ago my right hip joint was replaced and three days later I went to my son’s home to recuperate. With the encouragement of and care by my daughter-in-law and my son I am now nearly back to tackling Hampton Court again. Well maybe just a gentle stroll in the Palace Gardens – not quite ready to fight through crowds at a garden show. A new year, a new hip: now to deal with my shoulder . . .
Pain is deliberating, enjoy your new hip. Good luck with the shoulder.
Thank you. Shoulder being looked at next week.Fingers crossed!
Back to being Jane again with a refreshing new start and a positive attitude. Now to get the shoulder sorted and find a comfy new chair! Happy New year and decade! Get back out there ready to enjoy Spring time. How about a trip to Anglesey Abbey (Cambridge) to check out the snowdrops in a few weeks?
Yes please! I’d love to see the snowdrops at Anglesey Abbey – haven’t been there this century.