No sun – no moon! No morn – no noon – No dawn – no dusk – no proper time of day.
No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease, No comfortable feel in any member –
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees, No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds! –
Thomas Hood’s poem is a bit gloomy but it then it is a gloomy month. Nine weeks ago I was writing this blog – getting out and about and generally enjoying life in the pale autumn sunshine. Then seven weeks ago my thigh pains became unbearable along with a shoulder problem. From walking for miles I was reduced to struggling with walking for a few metres . . . A couple of X-rays later it transpires that I have osteoarthritis and that I need a replacement hip. The diagnosis came completely out of the blue and hit me hard. Then I realised that the symptoms have been lurking for some years now, kept at bay by exercise (Pilates, Tai Chi and walking) and sports massage and Bowen treatment and regular visits to the chiropractor.
So what next? My friends and my family have been fantastic, supporting me and keeping me going as I sort out pain medication and work out a daily routine until I have my hip replaced:-
- Accompanying me on doctor’s visits
- Feeding me – either at their place or by bringing cooked food around
- Taking my washing and returning with it clean and dried
- Shopping
- Dropping by for a chat
- Washing up and doing a quick tidy-up
- Taking me out in the car for a meal/coffee

You also have moral support from middle earth, I’m only sorry that because of distance we can’t do more.
I shall just have to come and stay with you – something to aim for.
You are going to love your new hip. It will work just like your own, prior to the pain. Recovery is fairly easy and the pain will be gone fairly quickly. I have ridden a large camel, a smaller dromedary, climbed through the window of a race car to be driven at 150 mph and more. You will get your active life back. When my arthritis is bothering me I tell myself that it is not cancer and it can be fixed and I think of John who missed so much. His children’s marriages and 6 grandchildren. December 2nd will come fast and then it will be moving forward with recovery. Dad and I did it, you can do it. Love Ann
Might try the camel ride – not so sure about clambering through a race car window!
It’ll be lovely having you back in action Jane. We can continue our adventures as Spring comes round again. Lots to look forward to as you get well soon! Love Bren xx
Here’s to “Ageing Disgracefully”!