Why did I do it? Why did I leap at the chance to display my textile wares on a Xmas Fair table at my local Women's Institute meeting? The answer is easy: the table was FREE. Of course I completely … [Read more...]
Sewing Scissor-Keepers
Recently we held a “Craft Evening” at Southend Sisters Women's Institute. This is always a challenge to the Leader who has to figure out just what may be achieved in a couple of hours. … [Read more...]
Make Do and Mend
“When did you last buy a new garment?” Mmmm! Does my tee shirt count? I did not actually buy it myself - it was a gift at Christmas. “And how many of you buy new outfits every season?” That was a … [Read more...]
Taking Stock
Autumn Equinox: three quarters of the way through the year and six months into “Lockdown”. Time to take stock. So much has changed: my freedom to come and go as I please has been curtailed by concerns … [Read more...]
Festival of Patchwork and Quilts
What does the word “quilt” mean to you? As child I always thought that “quilt” was synonymous with “eiderdown”, the thick padded cover that I had on my bed. Then there are thick padded winter … [Read more...]