“The morning after the night before”, as it were. Am sitting here reflecting on last evening. Rehearsals done, costumes on, audience in place, this was it! At the opening of Rafal Zajko’s exhibition at the Focal Point Gallery last night, Kirstie rallied the ten Contemporary Elders with a few relaxation exercises and pointed out the chocolates and bananas she had brought for afterwards. And asked us to take a single yellow rose as we left. Then Raf and Agnieska led the way and we followed past the crowd to stand in our corner. The familiar music started and Jane peeled off . . . The timing went perfectly. I did it! I held my pose then walked to join the crowd while Sue and. Selena held the final pose then the music did a twiddly “duh-duh” bit and Raf and Agnieska walked on to their music. While Raf rhythmically slid the blocks around to rearrange their configuration, Agnieska proceeded to lift pieces from the blocks, to replace them with items from the cupboards: a jar of pickles, a loaf of bread and something else I couldn’t see.
Then it was done. Audience moving out to look at the display in the foyer and second room or grab themselves a drink and some chips. Real chunky chips that taste delicious sprinkled with salt and vinegar, and for some, (not me!), smothered in tomato ketchup. There was a buzz of conversation as people networked, commenting on the exhibition or just generally catching up. Before people left there was a pause for Raf to be presented with a birthday cake and blow out the candles while we sang “Happy Birthday …” to him. We had already given him a birthday card – click here to see and click here for a link to “The Spin Off” Exhibition.
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