Such a glorious day! The only snag with this dry spell is that I need to go out and water my pots. When I picked up the watering can I discovered that a snail had overwintered in the spout. Snails! The scourge of my tiny garden. Did you know that a snail lays on average of about 80 eggs? Since snails are hermaphrodites and both snails lay, that is 160 baby snails per union.
There is only one thing for it: a Snail Stomping Dawn Patrol. Actually, I cannot bear to stamp on an adult snail, only the teenies. So I carefully collect bigger snails and take them down the road to dump them on a neglected overgrown patch of land. It is no use throwing them over the garden fence because they will crawl back – quite apart from it being mighty antisocial. Did you know that snails’ homing instincts may be overcome if you move them over 20 metres away? For more information, click on Snails’ homing instinct can be overcome. . .
Is stomping snails more cruel than using metaldehyde snail pellets?
Does dumping snails constitute the same thing as dumping litter?
What do you do about snails in your garden?
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