“There’s a fund-raising meal for Hildah’s Mumba Children’s Project on Saturday. Would you like to come?”
I said, “yes” immediately. After being stuck indoors for a couple of weeks battling a cough/ cold I relished the chance to get back into society again. “Dress is formal“. Oh good! A chance to dress up, put on make-up and wear the dress I bought for the wedding at Christmas. “Er – how much?” “Forty pounds“. I did flinch at the cost just for a moment – but then it was an event to raise funds. (Click here for the project.)
The evening was SUCH fun. Every guest had made an effort to dress up. Tracey won the “best dressed outfit” prize with her swirly vintage dress and net petticoat. The room was resplendent in Valentine finery and there was live music. You never know what to expect nowadays and often my ears are assailed by music that is so unbearably loud that my evening is ruined. Not this time. The trio, Taylormaid Function Band, performed popular numbers that were just right for the two vocalists and ideal for dancing. When I checked my ‘Fitbit” on my return home I found that I had done over 9,000 steps!! Throughout the evening efforts were made to continue fund-raising, including a raffle. I won a voucher for a free reflexology or Bowen treatment. So, in effect, I recouped my initial outlay in the value of this voucher.
I think the organisers, Purple Banana, were disappointed that so many tickets remained unsold. I checked their promotion on Facebook. Now if I had seen the blurb beforehand I would NEVER had agreed to go. “Sharing the Love. A Valentine’s Ball” No way! Not my scene. So why did I accept the invitation? Well, firstly I was invited personally by a friend and secondly the fund raising was to build a proper kitchen at the school in Mpongwe. My friend is very involved with this project and I have been following its progress. The questions remain: how do you promote an event? What makes someone agree to participate? What is the key to successful fund-raising?
So pleased you joined us Jane!
Glad to read your Reflections and yes, it really was fun!
and my valentine roses – given to us on the night – are still looking great.