Am I allowed out for a walk? Should I go out for a walk? I am in the “vulnerable” group because of my age but I need to balance my mental well-being and the need for daily physical exercise with the risk of exposure to the Covid-19 virus. Thank goodness for a garden! My small back yard only has two flowerbeds, but they are plenty to keep me busy. My ever-practical Mother suggested replacing the muddy patch trying to pretend that it was a lawn with concrete. That was back in the 80’s, I think. Yes, it would be nice to update the shabby cracked concrete with some fancy paving stones but that task is low down on the “to-do” list. What is more pressing is the roses and clematis that are climbing beyond my reach. I need a man-who-can (okay, to be PC, a person-who-can), to assist me with the heavy work in the garden. Roll on the end of ‘lockdown’.
Going back to my Mum and her input. After the concreting was done, my Parents drove off up to Kirby Muxloe to visit Dad’s cousin Eva. They returned one week later with plants collected from Eva’s garden: pale pink Peonies and Solomon Seal. That is what gardening is all about: growing and sharing.

The snag is that some of the shared plants that I have been donated over the years try to take over the garden. The clump of tiny white daisies that Shirley gave me persist in setting themselves on top of other plants, elbowing them out. Worse still, a clump has now established itself inside my rain drain. And then there are the violets that Grace gave me. Such pretty little flowers that remind of the bunches my sons used to bring back from Church on Mothering Sunday. But my clumps are so busy taking over where they didn’t orta be that they forget to flower. When the tulips finish blooming, it is not just the weeds that need to watch out!

Beautiful tulips Jane. Such a treat to enjoy spring wherever you are. The personal stories about your acquisition of plants makes them more stunning.
Any seagulls nesting yet?
Thank you. No seagulls nesting yet – many flying around.
Agree the tulips look incredible! I also have violets growing everywhere – all around the side lawn but they are flowering so will be enjoyed!
When they flower they are so pretty. And my Gran had a really teeny bottle of delicate perfume called “Devon Violets”.
Such great memories of the origin of your plants. The tulips are beautiful. You have the green thumb that Mum and Gran had. I do pretty well too. My yard is full of Spring flowers. I have been slowly taking down the Yuccas and Palms and the mess in the backyard and getting the yard under control and adding color. The plants here have to be drought resistant and the soil is so bad that I have a lot of plants in pots.
Thank you for your comment. It does not rain here as much as it used to so I find myself having to water my pots daily.They dry out so quickly.