“What next?” “What vision do I have of my future?”
How many times have you asked yourself those questions?
Now I am retired I have the luxury of choice. No longer constrained by the limitations imposed by the responsibilities of motherhood, no longer having to devote all my creative energy to my teaching career I am in a position to dream. And make plans.
Last week I went to an event where the leader showed us how to make a “vision board”. It was a very low-key evening where we browsed through magazines to cut out inspirational words and images to arrange on our own board to create a collage of what we hoped for in the future. My neighbour carefully cut around the outline of a pregnant female to add to her board. The lady opposite had a picture of an African village where her sponsored child lives and which she hopes to visit. At the end of the session we displayed our work and explained our vision. All very innocuous.
When I got home I googled “vision board”. Blimey! Things are not quite so simple. Apparently vision board is based on something called the ‘law of attraction’ and there are numerous books/ videos about how to apply it including a psychologist who completely refutes the law and sets up his own theory – something about “vision boards are for dreaming. Action boards are for achieving.” (Press here for Neil Farber).
No! Seriously? My vision board was a lot of fun. And I have left it where I see it several times a day as I walk past. The image at the bottom right hand corner has proved to be the most helpful. It reminds me that I really should not use swear words. It is unbecoming in a lady. Next to the board I have placed a jar with the label. “£1 for the jar” and so far I have raised over £10. And, yes, I am cussing much less frequently.
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