There was a lively buzz at the Computer Club on Monday night. Amidst the talk of “linux” and “web sites” and “does anyone have a soldering iron?” there was mention of building a robot to enter piwars. Pi what?

According to “wikipedia”:-“Pi Wars is a challenge-based robotics competition in which Raspberry Pi-controlled robots are created by teams and then compete in various challenges to earn points. There are prizes awarded at the end of the day. Last year, we had teams from schools, families and groups of hobbyists and 20 of these teams competed for a full day fun and games with their robots! Pi Wars takes place in Cambridge, UK and is open to anyone from around the world. It is run by the same team that organises the Cambridge Raspberry Jam.”
How did I miss the event last year? Something to use the Raspberry Pi for other than controlling a music system or setting up a weather station – sounds much more appealing. I must log in to Eventbrite to buy my ticket for 5th December. Meanwhile I shall watch with interest as the youngster at our Club assembles his robot with his team of helpers.
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