Why is it that the minute the sun shines for any length of time in the UK the locals go mad, throwing off their coats and winter gear and optimistically donning strappy sundresses or shorts? Here am I still in my winter coat, muffled up in hat and scarf. However the sunshine and the need to reveal what is hidden beneath those bulky coats reminds us all that it is time to think about fitness and wellbeing. So, today, I donned a pair of black leggings, a black tee-shirt and my walking shoes and set out for the local park to meet Julie from “Too Fat To Run”. She needed volunteers for a photo-shoot to promote her new sportswear range. Stepping out of the front door I was very glad of my long winter coat: the tight leggings made me feel positively naked.
As we assembled in the car park at the appointed hour, I heard a voice exclaim, “Did you used to be a teacher?” It must be over thirty years since Kerry Green was in my class. Today she was our photographer – on Facebook, click here. First, Julie, the CEO of Too Fat To Run introduced herself. Then we all donned a brightly coloured tee-shirt and followed Kerry to a quiet spot near the pond.

Kerry set out to get us warmed up and relaxed. I wonder what the passers-by thought when they spotted a line of ladies in fluorescent tees twerking? Or rather, trying to twerk following Kerry’s instructions . . . It certainly was a brilliant ice-breaker. Then we had to pair up to learn about each other and introduce our partner to the group. Finally we stood in a circle throwing a water-bottle – for want of a ball – to each other while calling out the recipient’s name. Thoroughly warmed up now we were ready to pose . . .

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