Jo’s entry to this year’s craft competition at Westcliff on Sea Women’s Institute was a clear winner from the start – even before any more entries were submitted. Jo responded to the theme ”Centenary or 100 years” by dressing herself in period costume as worn by the members of the first WIs back in 1915. All you stitchers out there will know just how much work is involved in sewing a long skirt, a lined fitted jacket and a full length slip to go beneath – not to mention the hours spent beforehand searching for authentic patterns.

It was not difficult to work out the second prizewinner either – since only one more official entry was submitted. I chose to make an apron in the WI colours of purple and green because an apron was essential to the ladies one hundred years ago and is still a most useful item to own today. I appliqued three roses onto the apron to represent the Centennial rose that was commissioned to celebrate the Centenary. See website by clicking here.
I was surprised to see no decorated cakes or fun greetings cards or even a collage comprising pictures of the WI across the years. Last year’s theme “Seaside” attracted around fifty entries.
So the Big Question now is “where does the Craft Competition go from here?” I suggest that the answer is to pick a theme such as “Hallowe’en”. That would allow members to enter Hallowe’en themed food or outfits or greetings card or whatever their imagination comes up with. And perhaps the Committee should consider giving the first 2 or 3 prizewinners discounts off their annual subs?

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